I'm a neurodivergent person with ADHD combined type, agoraphobia, and selective mutism. I'm working hard to overcome these challenges, though, so I can pursue my life's dream: becoming a creative dev for one of my favourite studios and/or making my own comic.
In spite of my agoraphobia, I was able to meet up with a friend and travel to Japan in November 2022 and I did just fine. It helped me realise that I can overcome my greatest trials, and if I could do that then maybe my aspirations weren't completely unattainable.
As of Winter 2019, I've been a full-time freelance artist for hire. I've also done some other side jobs in the meantime such as working in a motorcycle dealership.
Favourite Games FFXIV, FFVIII, Suikoden V, Majora's Mask, BotW, GoW, Persona 5, NieR Gestalt & Automata
Favourite Manga (Shh, it's a secret!)
Favourite Anime Mushishi, Ghost in the Shell
Favourite Movies Whatever I get to watch with the Oma
Hobbies Writing (I've been running my own original RPG forum since 2018)